Frequently asked questions

In Turmares Tarifa we take you to know the cetaceans that live in freedom in the Strait of Gibraltar and will also contribute to the:

  • Protection and preservation of cetaceans.
  • Conservation of the marine environment of the Strait of Gibraltar.
  • To support the promotion of youth employment.
  • Development of the local economy.

At Turmares Tarifa, unlike our competitors, we have developed ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 quality and environmental management systems, with the aim of controlling our processes and taking care of both the environment and the service to our customers. On the other hand, by offering a nature tourism product in an environmental protection area such as the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean and the Natural Park of the Strait of Gibraltar, it is also accredited by the Parque Natural de Andalucía due to its rigorous care with the resource it uses: nature. Being part of the information points network of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Andalusia.

We have created an environmental education and research platform, collaborating with important Spanish universities so that their biologists can participate in our trips, accompanying and informing our passengers and collecting data on the different species and their behavior.

Thanks to the knowledge acquired by our scientific department, we have collaborated with the Ministry of the Environment in the development of the Royal Decree 1727/2007 on cetacean protection in Spain, providing an ethical act of good practices for the observation of cetaceans in Andalusia.

Our fleet consists of two ships:

The Jackelin, the largest and most comfortable boat operating in the Strait of Gibraltar, with a capacity of 165 passengers can enjoy on the upper deck that allows a panoramic view of 360º, the roofed main deck with bar service and toilets, and the lower deck that has the largest underwater view of the Strait. It also has a public address system and an access ramp for the handicapped.

The Pirata de Sálvora, a fast, very stable ship with a capacity of 62 passengers, with a profile that favors navigation in conditions of strong sea and wind. It is a fast boat with excellent performance for whale watching, especially the sighting of Orcas that takes place at a greater distance from the port of Tarifa.

We have a large team of marine biologists who will accompany you on all our excursions, informing you throughout the trip and interpreting the sightings and collecting data on the different species and their behavior.

We have daily departures morning and afternoon, if weather conditions permit. The number of excursions increases as the number of tourists in the area increases.

We have two types of excursions:

Dolphin and Whale Watching (2 hours to 2 hours and a half). During this excursion we can see 4 species of dolphins (common dolphin, striped dolphin, bottlenose dolphin and pilot whales) that live in the Strait of Gibraltar all year round. Also depending on the season of the year we can see whales (Sperm whales and Fin whales).

Orcas sighting (3 hours). During this trip we approach the feeding area of the Orcas to try to spot them, apart from having the possibility of seeing the species mentioned in the other excursion.

The probability of success in the sighting of at least one species is practically 100% in all the exits, with the guarantee of a second chance, second opportunity free of charge in case of no sighting of cetaceans.

Whales and Dolphins Excursion – 2 hours – PVP
Travelers Price
Adults 45 €
From 6 to 14 years old 30 €
From 1 to 5 years 15 €
From 0 to 1 year Free


Orcas and Whales Excursion – 3 hours – PVP
Travellers Price
Adults 65 €
From 6 to 14 years old 40 €
From 1 to 5 years 20 €
From 0 to 1 year Free


The sighting of cetaceans in the Strait of Gibraltar is an activity that can be carried out by all types of public and if the conditions are not suitable for them, they would be notified in advance.

It is especially recommended during high season to book at least 48 hours in advance.

Must be present 30 minutes before boarding time, the meeting point is in the office of Turmares in the Avda. Alcalde Juan Nuñez, 3, just in front of the port of Tarifa.

The confirmation of departures are made on the same day in the morning depending on weather conditions, being necessary to contact us at 956 68 07 07 41 or 696 448 347 to obtain that confirmation and avoid unnecessary displacements. In case of cancellation, the reservation can be changed to another day.

Parking in Tarifa is not very complicated, just in the summer months you may encounter some complications so we recommend that you arrive in the city an hour before boarding without worrying if you park a little far away as the city is not very large.

We advise you to wear comfortable clothes and footwear, avoiding if possible embarking with beach flip-flops, some warm clothing and sun protection.

On the Jackelin boat we have a bar service although it is allowed to bring some snacks and drinks to the excursion.

Yes, we have toilets at both the Jackelin and the Pirate of Sálvora.

Depending on the time of year:

  • Dolphins and Pilot Whales – (all year).
  • Sperm whales and fin whales – (spring, summer and autumn).
  • Orcas – (summer).

We realize the sightings According to Royal Decret 1727/2007.

The probability of success in the sighting is practically 100% in all the exits, with the guarantee of a second chance, second opportunity free of charge in case of no sighting of cetaceans.

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